Thursday, June 02, 2005


Let the venting begin!

While this may never get read by anyone but me, I thought for a long time about what topic I should choose for my first post. I considered all the topics which get me into heated discussions; taxes, gun control, the War for Oil, the Patriot Act, Judicial nominations.... I settle on the unlawful detention of humans in the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.

Where to start?
Let's start with the made up term "enemy combatant." For a political party that tried to impeach a president because he used legalism to skirt the law, they don't seam to have a leg to stand on. These men and boys (many of them minors) are either prisoners of war, criminals, or kidnap victims. Each category is afforded more rights than what is currently being granted to the Guantanamo detainees.
How can we as a country, founded because of our rights being trampled, stand for these injustices?
- Held incommunicado
- No legal representation
- Secret evidence
- Indefinite sentence

I just can see how anyone in their right mind thinks this will make us a safer nation.
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